Gray Catbird

A gray catbird with a bug at Macomber Reservation in Framingham, photographed by Joan Chasan.
Joan Chasan photographed this gray catbird at Macomber Reservation in Framingham.
A gray catbird at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed gray catbirds, a red-winged blackbird, a great crested flycatcher, a house sparrow, an American goldfinch, a ruby-throated hummingbird, and a northern cardinal at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land...
A northern flicker at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed these northern flickers and a gray catbird at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.
A gray catbird at SVT's Smith Conservation Land in Littleton, photographed by Jon Turner.
Jon Turner photographed a gray catbird, a hermit thrush, a red-winged blackbird, and tree swallows at SVT's Smith Conservation Land in Littleton.
A gray catbird in Harvard, photographed by Jon Turner.
Jon Turner photographed this gray catbird in Harvard.
A red-winged blackbird at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed red-winged blackbirds, a turkey, gray catbirds, yellow warblers, a red-tailed hawk, a northern mockingbird, and a ruby-throated hummingbird at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.
A cedar waxwing at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed a cedar waxwing, a gray catbird, yellow-bellied sapsuckers, and a turkey vulture at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.
A gray catbird at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed a gray catbird and a wood frog at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.
An American crow at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed an eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly, an American crow, a gray catbird, and a monarch butterfly at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.
An eastern kingbird at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed an eastern kingbird, a gray catbird, a monarch butterfly, and a northern mockingbird at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.