Hermit Thrush

A gray catbird at SVT's Smith Conservation Land in Littleton, photographed by Jon Turner.
Jon Turner photographed a gray catbird, a hermit thrush, a red-winged blackbird, and tree swallows at SVT's Smith Conservation Land in Littleton.
A hermit thrush in Harvard, photographed by Jon Turner.
Jon Turner photographed this hermit thrush in Harvard.
A hermit thrush in Maynard, photographed by Gail Sartori.
Gail Sartori photographed this hermit thrush in Maynard.
A red-bellied woodpecker in Stow, photographed by Jon Turner.
Jon Turner photographed a red-bellied woodpecker, a red-breasted nuthatch, a brown creeper, and a hermit thrush in Stow.