Ebony Jewelwing

A white-tailed deer at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough, photographed by Mari Badger.
Mari Badger photographed a white-tailed deer, an ebony jewelwing, and a snowberry clearwing moth at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.
An American toad at the Desert Natural Area in Marlborough, photographed by Eric Crockwell.
Eric Crockwell photographed an American toad, a common garter snake, a downy woodpecker, and an ebony jewelwing damselfly at the Desert Natural Area in Marlborough .
An ebony jewelwing at Garden in the Woods in Framingham, photographed by Joan Chasan.
Joan Chasan photographed an ebony jewelwing, lupine, and a painted turtle at Garden in the Woods in Framingham.