Green Heron

A green heron at Horse Meadows Knoll in Harvard, photographed by Jon Turner.
Jon Turner photographed this green heron at Horse Meadows Knoll in Harvard.
A green heron at Hager Pond in Marlborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed this green heron at Hager Pond in Marlborough.
A green heron at Hager Pond in Marlborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed a green heron, an osprey catching a fish, and a spotted sandpiper at Hager Pond in Marlborough.
A green heron in Grafton, photographed by Nancy Wright.
Nancy Wright photographed this green heron in Grafton.
A green heron at Bruce's Pond in Hudson, photographed by Joan Chasan.
Joan Chasan photographed this green heron at Bruce's Pond in Hudson.
A green heron at Fyfeshire Conservation Land in Bolton, photographed by Gail Sartori.
Gail Sartori photographed this green heron at Fyfeshire Conservation Area in Bolton.
A green heron at Fyfeshire Conservation Land in Bolton, photographed by Gail Sartori.
Gail Sartori photographed a green heron, a northern waterthrush, and a common yellowthroat at Fyfeshire Conservation Land and Peach Hill Conservation Area in Bolton and Berlin.
A green heron in Westborough, photographed by Vin Cerrati.
Vin Cerrati photographed a river otter and a green heron in Westborough.
A great blue heron along the Boroughs Loop Trail in Southborough, photographed by Eric Crockwell.
Eric Crockwell photographed a fishing great blue heron, a green heron, and a tufted titmouse along the Boroughs Loop Trail in Southborough.
A green heron in Bolton, photographed by Jon Turner.
Jon Turner photographed a green heron, a broad-winged hawk, and a red-shouldered hawk in Bolton.